
吕氏英汉字典[简体]: [繁体]


the cut and thrust

"the cut and thrust" Chinese translation ("the cut and thrust" in Chinese, "the cut and thrust" 中文翻译, "the cut and thrust"发音):
the cut and thrust 激烈 [唇枪舌剑的] 辩论,短兵相接[of] the cut and thrust of (parliamentary) debate( 国会) 辩论踊跃的议论 [唇枪舌剑的辩论]     [激烈 [唇枪舌剑的] 辩论,短兵相接[of] the cut and thrust of (parliamentary) debate( 国会) 辩论踊跃的议论 [唇枪舌剑的辩论] ]

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